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ProjectYOU: Taking Ownership

Sat, Apr 10


Online - Zoom Webinar

To Take Ownership is to assume responsibility for the success of a thing, and be accountable for the decisions and methods used to achieve it. So who better to take ownership of 'Project You' than YOU? This event/workshop will show you and give you tools to take ownership of your growth journey.

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ProjectYOU: Taking Ownership
ProjectYOU: Taking Ownership

Time & Location

Apr 10, 2021, 10:00 AM CDT

Online - Zoom Webinar


About the event

We are all Projects!

Every action, inaction, decision or choice we make work together to determine the outcome of us; of you; of ProjectYOU.

So who better to take ownership of this Project that is YOU? Who has the most at stake? Who is in the best position to do all it takes to deliver the best possible outcomes in ProjectYOU?

The answer to that is evident, but what does it mean to take ownership of YOU and why should you do it?

Taking Ownership means you have CONTROL over Your Life. You take ownership of your actions, your failures and your choices, and move from being a bystander in your life to the active driver of your outcomes.

One of the top reasons to take ownership of your life is that it helps you build self-confidence, the kind of self-confidence that heightens your self-respect. The thing about self-respect is that it is the surest way to earn the respect of other people, which in turn boosts your self-confidence. Taking ownership sets you up to live out and enjoy this positive cycle of confidence and respect.

Another top reason is that it minimizes the likelihood of experiencing the same life mishaps in the same manner over and over again. You are able to see how you can act, react and choose differently to help you have an outcome that is less undesirable than what you experienced before.

So how then do you take ownership of YOU?

In this one-day online event/workshop, we will dive into some methods, mindsets and tools to help you take ownership of yourself in 3 facets of life:

  • Your career
  • Your finances
  • Your human relationships

You’ll gain insight to help you do 3 things:

  • Acknowledge and Accept your current reality
  • Take stock and evaluate your influence on your reality
  • Decide and take action

There are limited seats available, so get your tickets soon.


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